Benefit from our experience

We ensure the highest level of maintenance services. Many years of experience, constantly improved qualifications of our technical engineers, a perfect equipment base, and technical support of brand manufacturers guarantee optimum problem solution and minimum downtime of trucks.

We provide all services directly at the customer’s seat or in the company shop. We also provide professional technical support by phone.

Our service offices and a mobile service provide the shortest possible reaction time to fault reports. We have an innovative equipment and tools, as well as a state-of-art technical infrastructure.

We offer an unproblematic access to spare parts and a possibility to use a fleet of replacement trucks as a part of a short-term rental.

We are an authorized service for UNICARRIERS. With our experience and competencies, we can provide a comprehensive service of other manufacturers’ trucks.

We provide guarantee and post-guarantee service, as well as perform ongoing repairs, overhaul, and maintenance works. For every scheduled maintenance check, we prepare a protocol including: a description of the performed works, description of the truck condition after completing works, recommendations on the need to perform additional works, a description of possible irregularities regarding truck exploitation and everyday operation.

We offer our services as a service on demand or based on various service contracts:

– Standard—service on demand,
– Comfort—maintenance check services at lump sum rates,
– Premium – full service.
Choose one of the options and enjoy reliable maintenance services.


Provide a professional service

Our support does not end when we deliver and assemble the ordered equipment. We offer maintenance services and a professional service, allowing us to guarantee long-term and trouble-free usage of racks. Regular maintenance checks are required based on regulations and safety measures. One of user’s obligations is to have such checks performed. Working with Logis, you can be sure that all maintenance procedures, checks, and ongoing repairs will be performed in a professional and efficient way, as a result of which your warehouse rack systems will be completely safe.

Our offer includes:

  • scheduled period controls and maintenance checks of racking installations,
  • a service of racks purchased from us,
  • installation transfer and reconstruction,
  • warehouse modernization to adjust it to new legal regulations or implement new technologies,
  • installation authorization, which is necessary when there is no documentation or a customer decides to perform a self-assembly. Our service team has proper qualifications authorized by Dexion and many years of experience in this area.

Our service team has proper qualifications authorized by Dexion and many years of experience in this area.



Eliminate causes of accidents and ensure safe work environment

In every warehouse, there are accidents, but regular racking maintenance checks may limit their number and consequences. The Logis inspectors offer convenient, versatile, and competitive methods for maintaining high safety level in a warehouse.

Even minor changes in the rack configuration, caused by reorganization of warehouse work, or slight deformations created as a part of daily operations can in a long-time perspective result in a significant decrease of racks carrying capacity. This, in turn, lowers the workers’ safety level and can lead to accidents. It is a challenge to notice those changes early enough to avoid additional costs in the future. Only an experienced and qualified expert can point out the elements which should particularly be considered.

We perform racking maintenance checks which are fully compliant with all applicable provisions and rules within the EN 15635 standard.

Ensure safety in your warehouse. Let our inspectors detect potential threats before it is too late.

A complete and professional maintenance check performed by Logis certified inspectors provides a series of benefits:

– no obstructions in the warehouse operation,
– early damage detection
– repair costs mitigation,
– limited risk of accidents and material loss,
– extended exploitation time of racks,
– quick performance of necessary repairs,
– expert’s evaluation of racks offered by all manufacturers,
– detailed report written after the check.

Safety certificate

Every check is performed in accordance with the applicable law and standards. After the check is completed, we present a written protocol with recommendations. After implementing the recommendations, customers receive a certificate confirming the safety of the rack for one year.

Information boards

Racks delivered by Logis can undergo a comprehensive maintenance check and static calculations can be performed to confirm the carrying capacity of racks applicable to a current configuration. Having an information board on each rack is required by law.

Regular maintenance checks and service

If you forget about the date of your annual maintenance check, we will remind you of it. In between those checks, you can count on our support and reliable service.


Provide knowledge and necessary trainings

We offer Operational Health and Safety trainings, as well as rack usage trainings adjusted to the profile of your company. Make sure your employees know how to use racks in a safe way and to what they should particularly pay attention. Professional trainings and scheduled racks maintenance checks significantly increase warehouse safety.