Supply chain cannot be managed without the support of relevant IT systems. Solutions aiming at supporting supply chain management are jointly called Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems.

This application can be combined with one of many integrated company management systems existing on the market, extending its capacities and cooperating with it fully.

Our offer includes SSE (Supply Chain Execution) executive systems


WMS (Warehouse Management System) is a solution allowing for a noticeable improvement of information flow and work organization. Performance growth, considerable control, effective management, and immediate presentation of results and their analysis allow us to reduce the costs of company operations and increase the quality of offered products and services.

WMS allows you to perform all warehouse operations necessary for the flow of articles within the warehouse, as well as to accept products and send them out from the company. In order to identify packaging, the system uses barcodes or other marking methods (e.g. RFID) with the use of which all locations and goods are identified. Full automation of all warehouse operations leads to the elimination of paper warehouse management, as well as enables warehouse work optimization and control.


WMS allows for warehouse operations performed on movable terminals. Operators work on relevant warehouse documents that are available electronically, or execute orders via the system. Data is entered by scanning barcodes or directly with the keyboard. Terminals are connected by radio with the company central system, thanks to which all operations in a warehouse are reflected in the main system.

MES (Manufacturing Execution System)

TMS (Transport Management System)

YMS (Yard Management System)

A special role among applications for supply chain management is attributed to the APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) system. For detailed information, please contact our IT department.


Wi-Fi is a set of standards determining the structure of radio networks. These networks have many applications—they are used to extend local networks based on cable installations, and to increase the mobility of its users.

The most commonly used standard is IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac using the frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz for the construction of local wireless networks (WLAN). Depending on used devices and antennas, the range of a wireless network can be 300 m, and the maximum speed – up to 600 Mbps.

In logistics, and especially in warehouses, radio networks are used to send information and commands from the warehouse management system to mobile terminals in real time. Such information is also returned to confirm that an employee’s tasks have been performer.


This device for reading barcodes allows you to decode scanned codes and modify them into a form that can be read by an application and a person. Depending on a used reader, it is possible to read one- and two-dimensional codes.

Barcodes are mostly read by scanning heads found in barcode readers, collectors, and radio terminals. Such heads, depending on their construction and used reading method, can be divided into those:

  • using a CCD reading method—a line system of LEDs and detection diodes lined up alternately; a laser reading—a system of mirrors and laser light creating a reading beam
  • using a CCD matrix reading method—photos taken with a CCD camera—a special algorithm analyzes the image and decodes found barcodes.


Movable terminals are professional, industry-dedicated versions of computers integrated with a scanning head. An important feature of these devices is the possibility to scan barcodes/2D codes or read RFID tags at a place where the actual traffic of logistic units (including acceptance, movement, completion, release) takes place. These terminals are specialized devices which, depending on their version, enable you to work in difficult warehouse or production-related conditions, with a backlight-equipped touch screen, allowing for working even in temperatures below zero. They are resistant to dusting and dampness, as well as survive being dropped on a concrete floor. They can work in a wide range of temperatures: from -28 to +50 Celsius degrees. Movable terminals communicate online (via Wi-Fi) with the company IT system (or a warehouse management system).


Barcode printers are professional devices intended for printing barcodes on sticky tags made of different materials. Labels used in logistics are made of paper (also thermal paper), cardboard, and foil. Thanks to thermal and thermal-transfer printing, it is possible to print on almost every material.

We offer office, industrial, and mobile printers. For industrial purposes, separate printing modules have been designed to work together with applicators.


Vehicle-mounted computers are professional industry-dedicated computers in an enforced housing, equipped with a big touch screen, a keyboard, a Wi-Fi card, and a barcode scanner. They are a perfect solution when data is entered mainly by employees operating material handling vehicles.

Devices of that type are mounted on material handling vehicle, allowing the operator to register carriers without having to leave the truck. As a result, time devoted to perform the whole process is shortened, which results in actual savings.


Barcodes are the most popular data carriers—it is one of the most frequently used methods of goods automatic identification.

GS1, managing barcode systems, is an international non-profit organization that creates and implements open identification and communication standards in supply chains in the whole world, regardless of the industry, based on barcodes and RFID systems.

With unique identification of products, transport packages, resources, localizations, and services, GS1 standards facilitate effective management of global supply chains including many industries. The most important standards include: global identification of trade items (Global Trade Item Number – GTIN), global location identification (Global Location Number – GLN), and global identification of logistic units (SSCC numbers). What is more, barcodes are used for resource identification, determining location, and in many other aspects of life (marking tickets, documents, packages, books, medical samples, etc.).

Using barcodes, together with a specialized IT system, facilitates register- and control-related works. It allows to significantly reduce paper documentation, shorten stocktaking works, improve and speed up customer service, as well as enables you to report shortages and errors earlier and in an automatic way.

As a participant of the GS1 system, we can be sure that an ID number assigned to us is unique in the world, as a result of which our goods will also be uniquely marked – which is extremely important in a global supply chain.


RFID is the latest technology used for product identification. It allows for reading and saving data remotely on RFID labels (RFID tags). It is a non-contact reading and saving method, which uses radio waves for data transfer and powering electronic system present in the label. There can be diverse forms of labels—paper ones, foil ones, plastic ones, or in the form of a small hermetic element. Depending on the used equipment and RFID tags, data can be read or saved from a distance of several centimeters to several meters. The reading system allows for the identification of labels located within its range.

RFID to bezkontaktowa forma identyfikacji stosowana tam, gdzie nie można bezpośrednio odczytać kodów kreskowych. Tagi nie muszą znajdować się w widocznym miejscu, pracownicy nie muszą ich szukać i umieszczać czytnika na tagach; wystarczy, że tagi będą znajdować się w zasięgu anten czytnika.

Ważną korzyścią z zastosowania technologii RFID jest automatyzacja identyfikacji produktów, skrócenie wszystkich procesów i wzrost wydajności. W logistyce technologię RFID można wykorzystać do identyfikacji palet, opakowań, pojemników zwrotnych, samochodów itp.